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  • 09534600076

Confused, unbothered and naïve as I was, I still remember my first 4th of May in school when I was a 5-year-old. Little did I know back then that as July the 4th is to every American, May 4th is to every Columban. It is the day when we celebrate the life and teachings of our founder, Blessed Edmund Rice, on whose ideas and ideals, the school’s very foundation is laid.

The ethos of our institution not only promotes the recognition of the ‘cry of the poor’ and the ‘cry of the earth’ by every student, but also motivates us to develop a positive vision so as to bring about a positive action. Thus, it is not enough to just talk about social issues, rather it is also about taking the steps in the right direction. As the President of the Student Council, it is my duty to ensure that every student is able to judge, differentiate and classify the types of actions, their varying consequences and be guided to act justly.

A Columban is called one, not only because of him belonging to this alma matter, but because of the shared values and ethics inculcated in us by this esteemed institution which takes pride in striving for excellence while nurturing advocates of compassion for the weak and builders of a Peaceful and Just society.

For me personally, what makes the word “Columban” truly unique is the sense of brotherhood and acceptance each one of us finds within and outside the school. To the banners of green and gold are attached the dreams and pride of every Columban, like that 5-year-old me, who has ever stepped foot inside the campus regardless of his background and passed out from the very same school as a self-aware and a socially conscious human. Ours is an inclusive family that upholds the dignity of every member, and I along with my Council will ensure that Columbans grow to their full potential as they DREAM, BELIEVE and EVOLVE.

“The price of greatness is responsibility” – Winston Churchill. Greatness brings in Expectations: Expectations create Responsibility. And this responsibility is ours to take up in order to uphold the glorious legacy of St. Columba’s, always guided by our motto, Sapere Aude, Sincere Et Constanter wherever we go.